Upswing Tutoring Program

The Academic Success Center (ASC) provides tutoring to all undergraduate students. There is no charge for our services.

Help is just a touch away! As we navigate the challenges of our current public health environment, our tutoring services are offered on line via Upswing.  Follow the instructions below to gain access to tutors readily available to assist. 

Whether you need help with study skills or course content (see a list of courses we tutor), our peer tutors will be glad to assist.


Scheduled by Appointment via 

Upswing Logging (3)


  • African American Heritage
  • Biology
  • Chemistry 101
  • General Chemistry 121& 122
  • Calculus I & II
  • Computer Science
  • Math 111 & 112
  • Math 200
  • Politics & Justice Studies 201 & 202
  • Sociology 201
  • Spanish 101 & 102
  • Additional Assistance with Time Management and Study Skills
The Academic Success Center
Corson Hall, Suite 106
Fax: 803-535-5607
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